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– Essential Strategies to (ebook + video)

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spent four hours in front of a room packed with traders. His single goal was to reveal his techniques that generated huge profits. The Traders' Library camera crew was there to catch every minute and now, this landmark Course is available to you!

Here's your front row seat to learn the essentials of 's system. Listen as he tells you about the 1,400 traders that work for his firm, trading his money. Better yet, watch as he reveals the amazingly simple tactics that he uses to guide their trades to consistent profits.

"Traders at my company made $30,099.00, $51,526.00, $79,000.00 in profits ... in just two weeks ... using amazingly simple trading tactics that you can master -in less than a day."

--Oliver L. Velez, originator, ™ System

Who's in Control

Oliver leads off by showing you how he divides market action into 13 candlestick patterns, 5 that indicate bullishness (green bars), 5 bearish (red bars) and 3 neutral (black bars). These 13 patterns form the basis of his system and provide you with a view of the markets that is so powerful yet so simple that he's seen over 80% accuracy.

Listen as Oliver demonstrates "The basic signals that indicate whether a stock is ready to climb or decline are incredibly simple, obvious, and easy to read." Let Oliver show you a couple...

The Law of 3 to 5

"About 14 years ago, I discovered what I call the "Law of 3 to 5." That law states that 80% of the time, stocks cannot move up or down more than 3 to 5 bars in a row, without reversing to some degree.

So, whenever you get a series of 3, 4, or 5 black or red bars in a row, that's a high-odds sign that the stock is oversold. It's going to stop its decline and head higher. That's why 3 to 5 red bars on a rising chart, in conjunction with a few more things I teach, is the ultimate "buy" signal for our stock traders.

Conversely, 3, 4, or 5 white or green bars in a row means the stock has gone about as high as it's going to go for the moment. Tomorrow, or the day after, it's likely to fall.

So if you own a stock whose charts shows 3 or more green bars in a row, you should sell it. And sometimes, you can short the overbought stock if you don't.

Why are 3 to 5 bar moves such an accurate indicator of overbought tops and oversold bottoms for stocks?

It's because of a statistical principle known as reversion to the mean, which says that a stock can't stray too far above or below its average share price before it is drawn or "snapped back" to that price level."

But this is just the beginning of this amazing course. Oliver reveals his "Velez Market Laws" like the 55% rule for entry and exits and his 100% double down rule. Here is a system honed for today's volatile markets, markets that Velez believes are ripe with opportunity.

The Trade For Life System

Here's your chance to let takes you step-by-step through his high-power ™ system. It's the next best thing to having Oliver come into your living room and tutor you personally!

This effective 4-hour course is designed to teach you the major signals and chart patterns Oliver and his traders use to create wealth trading. You learn what to look for, and what trade to make when you see it.

Among the topics covered on the DVDs:

  • How to read candlestick charts
  • 3 major time frames... and which chart is the most important
  • Daily, hourly, and 1-minute charts and when to use them
  • The two most powerful moving averages
  • The Market Law of 3 to 5
  • How to protect your profits with trailing stops
  • 3 market trends and how to profit from each
  • The Velez buy-set up for long trades
  • Predicting bottoms with the bottoming tail with uncanny accuracy
  • The VCM sell-set up for short trades
  • How to recognize and trade a topping tail
  • Green bar and red bar reversal patterns
  • Why the biggest moves ignite from the smallest bars
  • Trading the narrow range bar signal
  • The key buy reversal signals
  • Narrow body bottoms and narrow body tops
  • The 6 types of support
  • The dual moving average resistance
  • The 13 Candlesticks that unmask the market
  • The sideways breakout plays
  • Major and micro reversal times
  • And more...

Plus, you'll receive access to a downloadable PDF of the ™ presentation uses on the DVDs to teach his trading lessons. You can follow along on the charts in the PDF and take notes directly on each slide.

And, as a special bonus, you'll learn how Velez selects traders to work for him. Traders who, for the rest of their life Trade 's money under his guidance and the watchful eye of his best traders. If that wasn't enough, you learn how you can keep up to 95% of the profits you make with his money but NEVER LOSE ONE PENNY.

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