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Petr Tmej – Adaptrade Builder Course

Form: Immediate Free Access to Recorded Webinar + Live Webinar  in June 2019 
Duration: 8 hours
Lecturer: Petr Tmej
Price: 1490 USD


  • Elaborated manual with specific and detailed step-by-step procedures and screenshots
  • Provision of unique EasyLanguage codes of 2 of Petr’s live trading robust trading strategies

Program of the course:

The course´s conception allows participation of even complete beginners who have no experience with ATS trading at all. During the course I will impart to you my valuable know-how together with a detailed printed manual describing step-by-step creation of long-term profitable automated trading strategies in Adaptrade Builder.

You will learn how to work with Adaptrade Builder, use genetic algorithms for building of your own ATS for generating profitable automated trading strategies. You will learn my exact step-by-step approach: From explaining what kind of date range, bar and time sessions, the ratio of training, test and reserved data are appropriate to use, to exact set of my orders, technical indicators, markets, trading logics and genetic optimization set. The goal is to hand my exact knowledge to my clients. So I do believe that the course would be appropriate not only for the beginners in Adaptrade Builder but also traders who are using Adaptrade Builder successfully or unsuccessfully and are not sure whether they are using Adaptrade Builder the correct way. Thanks to genetic algorithms you don’t need to know programming.

After passing the course you will be able to create your own robust trading strategies according to my building approach of automated trading strategies. You can start after the webinar and the results will come immediately.

Adaptrade Builder and genetic algorithms for building winning strategies

  • Hardware
  • Introduction to the Adaptrade Builder platform
  • Adaptrade Builder – basic controls and functionalities
  • Searching for profitable ATS using Adaptrade Builder (detailed step-by-step procedure)
  • The basic principle of genetic programming
  • Suitable markets for generating strategies in Adaptrade Builder
  • Detecting of over-fitted strategies
  • Correct use of In-sample and Out-of-sample data
  • Advanced using of Stress Testing
  • Significance Test
  • Build Failure Rules and Build Termination Options
  • Analyses of specific trading systems and their codes
  • Advanced functional elements of Adaptrade Builder used for evaluation of potential robustness of trading systems
  • Analyses of specific trading systems and their codes
  • Advanced functional elements of Adaptrade Builder used for evaluation of potential robustness of trading systems
  • Correct Application of Custom Indicators

Software tools used in the course:

  • Adaptrade Builder– you can download a fully functional 14-day trial version before the course. I recommend you activate the program before the course.

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