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– NEPQ Sales Method NEPQ 3.0


NEPQ is a scientific sales methodology that rests on a key psychological principle:

Salespeople are the most persuasive when they allow prospects to persuade themselves.

Neuro-Emotional Persuasion Questions (NEPQ) work with human behavior (not against it) – eliminating all traces of sales pressure from your sales conversations.


Studies show twenty-first century consumers are entirely different from those in the 40’s 50’s 60’s 70’s, 80’s – even 90’s.

Todays buyer is ‘evolved’ – they’re oversold, cautious and more skeptical than ever.

Yet most sales methods in use right now, stem from a bygone era.

Many businesses have not caught on. They still use these ‘old era’ methods to sell to a generation with arguably the lowest trust-level in human history.

It’s in this climate that NEPQ sets sales teams apart.

Unlike other sales methods, NEPQ works with human behavior and psychology. Not against it.

Selling with NEPQ is an easy, rewarding and predictable process for sales people – while being a genuinely helpful experience for buyers.

NEPQ conversations elicit deep trust from prospects to the degree that sales is no longer a ‘numbers game.’

Rather by simply asking the right NEPQ questions that work with human behavior,

… at the right time in the conversation, with the right tonality,

the prospect is pulled in – not pushed, or repelled…

… and their own answers cause them to persuade (and close) themselves.

Because of its scientific data-backed approach, the NEPQ methodology of selling drives exponential results, huge referrals and repeat business for our clients

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