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has been using market cycles to trade stocks and commodities since the 1970s when his HAL Commodity Cycles was one of the most widely known advisory services focusing on cycles. Chartered economists have not much chance to reach success in stock trading. Such a conclusion was made by the legendary trader . Unlike most of his colleagues, he received a good education in economics. However, starting to make transactions on the trading floor, quickly disillusioned with their theoretical knowledge. 

Widely known for its dictum that the graduates of educational institutions providing economic profession, as a rule, is not so well understood how the world is arranged. They just do not know life, so, their decisions are based solely on theory, and are often wrong. As a consequence - loss of capital. devoted his life to the trade studying. He paid special attention to technical analysis of market conditions, which he regarded as the foundation of a correct prediction. Walter willingly shared his experiences with market participants.

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