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This user-friendly resource will help you grasp the concepts of probability and stochastic processes, so you can apply them in professional engineering practice. The book presents concepts clearly as a sequence of building blocks that are identified either as an axiom, definition, or theorem. This approach provides a better understanding of the material, which can be used to solve practical problems. Key Features:* The text follows a single model that begins with an experiment consisting of a procedure and observations.* The mathematics of discrete random variables appears separately from the mathematics of continuous random variables.* Stochastic processes are introduced in Chapter 6, immediately after the presentation of discrete and continuous random variables. Subsequent material, including central limit theorem approximations, laws of large numbers, and statistical inference, then use examples that reinforce stochastic process concepts.* An abundance of exercises are provided that help students learn how to put the theory to use.

Roy Yates received the B.S.E. degree in 1983 from Princeton and the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees in 1986 and 1990 from MIT, all in Electrical Engineering. Since 1990, he has been with the Wireless Information Networks Laboratory (WINLAB) and the ECE department at Rutgers University. Presently, he is an Associate Director of WINLAB and a Distinguished Professor in the ECE Dept. He is an author (with David Goodman) of the text Probability and Stochastic Processes: A Friendly Introduction for Electrical and Computer Engineers published by John Wiley and Sons, currently in its third edition. He is a 2011 IEEE Fellow and a recipient of the 2003 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications, the best paper award for the ICC 2006 Wireless Communications Symposium, and the 2011 Rutgers University Teacher-Scholar award

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