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– Precision Index Oscillator (Jan 2012)

Pi-Osc was created to provide trade timing signals by in 2009, and is a consensus indicator which has some powerful improvements and differences to industry standard oscillators. At first glance to the untrained eye it would appear like another other oscillator, but when viewing it in juxtaposition with other oscillators the true power of this excellent indicator begin to emerge.

Pi-Osc is extremely simple to use and the top and bottom early warning signals are flagged up when + or – 3.14 is reached, the actual signal the Pi-Osc gives is when the it moves away from Pi. This signal indicates a 86% probability that the next bar will reverse.

It is comprised of 439 different mathematical equations which measure price and volume movement in multiple time frame sampling that predict with a high degree of accuracy where turning points in trends are likely to occur. The designer Roger Medcalf is a successful trader with more than 12 years trading experience. His work on Pi-Osc began more than 10 years earlier when observing the limitations of conventional RSI, Stochastics, Williams %r etc. ” Conventional oscillators just don’t have enough intelligence to offer any real concrete evidence to put your hard earned money down” He stated. Although viewing other oscillators as having some uses, he also noted their shortcomings. The resulting observations of oscillators not coping with trending situations, whilst being excellent in ranging or cycling markets spawned the concept of designing the Pi-Osc.

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