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, - Trading the Fundamentals

When released, economic indicators and policy statements often have a volatile "trigger" effect on financial markets. Traders with a detailed understanding of these indicators - and how markets react to their announcement - will consistently stay one step ahead of significant market moves. With over 100 tables and nearly 50 charts, Trading the Fundamentals shows you how indicators interrelate with each other and affect the markets. This detailed reference provides the keys so you can instantly interpret economic reports, and act when the numbers are released without waiting for expert analysis. Trading the Fundamentals, Revised Edition, gives you an in-depth understanding of every important economic report - with dozens of website addresses to get that information first - that gives you a trading advantage in today's unpredictable financial markets.

From the Back Cover

[EDE: If there's room, please include this entire quote. Otherwise, you may cut the last sentence, starting with "One of those exceedingly rare..." etc. If you need to cut even more, please let me know. Thanks. --Marshall.] "Trading the Fundamentals is an indispensable piece of equipment for anyone venturing into the treacherous wilds of Wall Street.... One of those exceedingly rare guides that will both inform even the most knowledgeable trader and enlighten the rest of us, investors and interested spectators alike." -Alan Abelson, Barron's columnist. "The revision of Trading the Fundamentals could hardly be more timely. With macro data dominating the markets more than ever before, this handy volume deserves a place close to your screen. Did I say handy? Make that invaluable."-Alan S. Blinder, Princeton University, Center for Economic Policy Studies.

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