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Martin Pring - Candlesticks Explained

Complete guide to candlestick charting includes Western charting, Renko, Kagi, and 3-Line Break.  A step-by-step introduction with market examples.

Martin Pring’s Candlesticks Explained, is a comprehensive 4-hour CD-ROM tutorial and accompanying 352-page softcover book, designed for all levels of technicians.

"Having read numerous books, viewed an endless array of video tapes as well as attending several seminars, Martin's CD tutorials are hands-down winners in the educational tools contest.  I have applied the information in the Candlestick CD and now use one-minute candlesticks on TradeStation."  - Josie Scarpelli

" won’t find a more accessible or better value for an in-depth tutorial on this fascinating oriental trading approach. - Patrick Young, Applied Derivatives Trading

With its 10 chapters, you’ll be introduced to the basics of Candlestick construction, how to identify and interpret Dojis, Morning Star, Hammers, Tweezer Tops, Tasuki Gaps and more. There’s also a complete chapter dedicated to Candlesticks and Western charting.

Colorful diagrams, animated theory reinforcements, and real marketplace movies complement all 10 chapters - so concepts are learned, applied, and retained.

  • An interactive quiz at the end of each chapter strengthens new skills automatically keeps your current and two previous scores.

Martin Pring - Introduction to Candlestick Charting (BONUS)

With over 4 hours of multimedia and interactive instruction, this brand-new CD provides you with a solid footing in this exciting field of technical analysis.


The integrity of the material is very sound and thoroughly researched - as we would expect from Martin Pring. At this price, the only question one must ask is why every trader's home hasn't got one yet. After all, even if you just want to gain an insight into the business of Japanese Candlestick Charting from an interested onlooker standpoint, you won't find a more accessible or better value means of gaining an in-depth tutorial on this fascinating oriental trading approach. Plaudits to Martin and Lisa Pring for producing such a sound piece of technical analytical tutorial.

Over 4 hours of multimedia, interactive instruction provides a solid grounding in this exciting field of technical analysis.

All 10 chapters are complemented by colorful diagrams, animated theory reinforcements, and real marketplace movies - so concepts are learned, applied, and retained.

An interactive quiz at the end of each chapter strengthens new skills automatically keeps your current and two previous scores

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