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FuturesTrader71 Webinar Series 5 (Execution A Detailed Process)


We have a member of the audience set up a random trading day by doing the following:

The member (Yoda/Richard) picked a day

The member presented the facts that led up to how the day is shaping up including all expected news releases, etc. This was a mini-Trader Biteessentially

We then walk through a playback with detailed commentary as to how we form our bias, watch for market generated action to indicate the controlling participants, stalk the trade, take the trade and then manage the trade using active data

This discussion is significantly important in that the member is free to stop the action and ask detailed questions and to get detailed answers

This Webinar is a complete soup-to-nuts look at trade structuring and setup and goes through to closing the trade

Tools used for this Webinar:

S5 Trader
S5 BookMap

FuturesTrader71 WEBINAR series 5 – EXECUTION

About FUTURESTRADER71 First and foremost, I’m a trader. This site was created as a result of a need to centralize the knowledge I have been sharing publicly about trading. I recognize that there is a real need for no-nonsense trading information that is applicable to the market; rather than theory or diversions. I have found that when you help others, you in turn help yourself. I’ve always said, “Give what you want more of.” That has held true with this site.

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