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- The Psychology of Risk (Audio)

In The Psychology of Risk: Mastering Market Uncertainty, renowned psychiatrist and trading coach builds on his internationally acclaimed books Trading to Win and Trading in the Zone to explore the psychology behind risk and trading. By focusing on your appetite for risk-taking, your ability to manage and adapt to risk, and your pathological patterns of risk-taking, Kiev shows you how to overcome the psychological obstacles of risk that undermine your decision-making process and ability to cut losing trades and stick with winners.

Author Information

 is a psychiatrist who specializes in organizational psychology, stress management, and performance enhancement. He is President of the Social Psychiatry Research Institute and is recognized worldwide for his pioneering work in transcultural psychiatry, suicidology, and psychopharmacology. Kiev is the author of four trading books: Trading to WinTrading in the ZoneThe Psychology of Risk, and Hedge Fund Masters. In recent years, he has developed The Trading To Win training programs for dealing with trading stress, portfolio management, risk control, and leadership as they relate to peak performance in the trading arena. For more information.

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